Thursday, September 21, 2006

Max Andersson, MP

The votes have been counted, and I will become a member of the Swedish Parliament when it opens on October 2:nd. If you ask me how it feels, the answer is: "Pretty wonderful."

Unfortunately, the red-green alliance that has been in power these last eight years has lost the election, and the Green Party will now be part of the opposition. That's bad, but it will leave me more time to campaign against the EU and put forth the positive advantages of withdrawal.

Eurosceptic policies are not only politically right. If presented right, they're vote-winners. I will do my best to present a strong eurosceptic message that will help us get back in power - and into government - in 2010.

Now let's hope that the ECJ wont make my job all too easy by doing something stupid in the Vaxholm case!

Monday, September 18, 2006

The right won the election

Unfortunately, the right wing Alliance has won yesterday's election. Sweden will now get a new government, even more europhile than the one before. After twelve years in government the Socialdemocrats were tired. They didn't manage to present their vision and they failed to get their supporters to the polls.

On the other hand the Green Party got a good result and we increased our vote. In Gothenburg we had our best result ever, and according to the latest figures we will have 2 new MPs instead of just one. We will know who they are on Wednesday at the latest.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.