Thursday, November 03, 2005

LO slams McCreevy

Wanja Lundby Wedin, president of LO, Swedens national confederation of working class unions, today writes on EUobserver about the Waxholm case, critisizing commissioner McCreevy for his stand in the case. She's predictably upset, and I can recommend the article for its useful background info.

The conclusion however, made me smile:
But the EU is not just a market. It is also a community of values, a social and political community. This has been confirmed by the ECJ in other cases. We are therefore confident that the court will take a more balanced view of the Vaxholm case than commissioner McCreevy.

If not, there will be an extremely serious crisis of confidence in the EU coming from us citizens both in and beyond the Scandinavian countries.
Now. If Wanja really was that confident, why did she bother to write an article about this in the first place?

Previous articles on the Vaxholm case:
Union leader: "I wish we'd leave the EU"
You must comply, says McCreevy